Our Programs
Owlets Mixed Age Kindergarten
For students age 4 by May 1st for a one year program, 4 by September 1st for a 2 year program
Bluebird Kindergarten
Offering authentic experiences of play and time in nature for ages 5 and 6.
Grades Overview
1st through 8th Grade
First Grade
Age 7
Second Grade
Age 8
Third Grade
The turning point of childhood, age 9
Fourth/Fifth Grade
Ages 10-11
Sixth Grade
Age 12
Seventh / Eighth Grade
Ages 13 and 14
Forest Friday
Our flagship nature program for K-8
Enrollment for Homeschoolers
Part time opportunities for school aged children
Extended Care
For EC and Grades students
Specialty Subjects
Inspiring Children - Head, Heart, and Hands