What an incredible weekend of fellowship – working side by side we collectively brought such a profound message about the our school’s mission:
Honoring imagination as the heart of childhood, and something we deeply nurture in our students – of all ages. Through this faire we can see not only the incredible commitment our teachers make to this principle through their artistic endeavors, but the fruits of the seeds planted in early childhood, in our older students who so impressively and skillfully create experiences for their younger peers.
Bringing awareness to the profound importance of our connections to our surroundings. We hold this value so closely, therefore every aspect of the planning kept this in mind, and bringing in other organizations and businesses that share this with us was essential. We are so grateful to have folks like the Longboat Turtle Watch and Mote Marine Aquarium to support our Faire and bring awareness of their particular passions, and to have the event transformed into a zero waste event by Sunshine Community Compost was such a thrill! The student Recycled Art Gallery was another element added this year, transforming 3 months of garbage into intricate and detailed art pieces.
We are incredibly grateful to the multitude of support and well wishes we received! First, to our sponsors:
The Davis Family, Dragonfly Wellness, Veronica Fish and Oyster, The Shoemaker Family, The Blanton Family, TW Advertising, The Underhill Family, The Landers – Niedenfuer Family, 221 BC Kombucha, India Artisans, and the Holton Family!
We are so grateful for your generosity and support as we envisioned bringing the biggest Mermaid Faire yet, to the community! A special thank you to 221 BC Kombucha for brewing a signature flavor for the event – Mermaid’s Tears – in honor of our most magical guests, who hold such love and care of our waterways.

We would also like to thank our donors: The Davis Family, Heather Underhill, The Mandell Family, The Lundquist Family, Korri Sheppard, The Furlano Family, Sawyer Leins, Lindsey Landers, The Coppola Family, Judith Lescano, Amanda Skuba, Kerri Loafman, Laura and Jay Schoenfelder, Island Deodorant, The Toback family, and Peggy Jones. We also had several anonoymous gifts. For the first time every activity was sponsored and our wish list was completely fulfilled! Your generosity is so incredibly appreciated!
Our volunteers were truly inspiring, taking on many tasks – this was everything from putting flyers out, mermaid hair styling, organizing, completing a shift (or two!), and even construction work! A huge amount of care and time is required in order to pull this off and you all were incredible! Thank you so, so much – Amanda Marolda, The Lumley Family, Angelo Chiroli, Stephanie Lallo, Alissa Mandell, Brandy and Ben Gray, Megan Streitz and Family, Nancy Benitez, Miriam Cornell, Darcy Nelson, Josh Banks, Judith Lescano, Martha Heid, Bryan Heid, Amanda Skuba, Leanne Goveia, Kia Duenas, Heather Underhill, Sarah Holton, Chris and Natalie Maute, Owen Maute, Akio Otomo, Christy Stanford, Keshara Alleyne, Tibi B, Kerri Loafman, Madison Loafman, Jessica Odom, Tiffany Hillary, Jamie Kirchbaum, Nathan Kirchbaum, Tiffany Rains, Alicia Worthington, Lisiane Fidalgo, Cari Coggins, Laura and Addie Baumberger-Schoenfelder, Eric Lundquist, Cal Lundquist, Jay Kent and Crew, Jennifer Suter, Bryan Suter, Kai Green, Chuck Green, Kevin Klein, Rita Radi, and Amanda DeMauro. Of course behind all of these volunteers are also other support people – spouses, partners, friends who took on childcare so our volunteers could make the time to do this!
Special thank you to our students who, with their immense creativity, brought our faire to a whole new level! The Recycled Art Gallery was compiled by the 5/6th grade, with artists spanning from nursery age and up! The 5/6th grade also helped make our Faire flow smoothly completing many tasks the day before, and created our Faire map! Thank you to Mr Jon for guiding them so skillfully!
The Sunken Polynesian Ship Yard was completed by the 7/8th grade, designed to be an attraction for older students and adults, and they truly delivered, dreaming up even the smallest details to help create an authentic and memorable experience. They spent many hours transforming the room, and then hosting guests throughout the Faire!
To our teachers for the extra commitment and energy needed to fully bring the faire to fruition, thank you, thank you, thank you – Shivani, Birte, Laura, Shawn, Kalin, Geoff, Jon and Heather!
Last, but definitely not least, our dear mermaids, this year a record 16(!) were called to the Mangroves! Enchanting, charming and endearing, our mermaids bring a message of care, love and enthusiasm for human kind and our mama earth. The mermaid sisterhood that has formed to visit us each year is a collective of feminine energy that brings magic, wisdom, and grace to our community. Mama mermaids gently welcome children into the wonder of their world, under the sea, while their younger seashell sisters delight in awe of human kind, offering children the chance to shine. Unseen mermen complete (incredibly) sturdy infrastructure upon which imaginations could be woven. Together they are a genuine ecosystem of love, support, and connection that is felt so deeply by the children who visit them, bringing beauty to all they touch. To our mermaids, you are the heart of this event, and we are eternally grateful for the extraordinary light you shine!